Anees Anjum
4 YearsEmail:
92 313 5237377Personal Experience
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by a single flight; but they while their companions slept were toiling up in the night. Delighted to present our director and management in charge Anees Anjum whose remarkable insight and optimistic thinking has turned the vision of Bee social into a living reality. His leadership skills and extreme hard work is what inspires us to proceed forward and has led to generation of one after another triumphant campaigns, becoming the reason for not only our own but also our clientâs success. Besides all these noteworthy achievements he is greatly experienced in the education sector firstly as teacher guiding his pupils and later on as the founder of a school enlightening the way for not only the students of today but also for those who have yet to come and play their due part in this world. A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with bricks otherwise thrown at him, his untiring effort and persistence has risen the company to a point at where it stands. Other areas of his expertise include software development, web development and developed soft-wares relating to different social media platforms. All this experience and knowledge which he has excellently implemented in forming our working strategy and is still being the driving factor of our prosperity.
Professional Skills
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