Fatima Binte Nasar

Creative Thinker
Creative Thinker
Brand Development
1 Years

Personal Experience

Writing is the utter solitude the decent into the cold abyss of oneself. A strong and positive attitude and a witty personality we put our lights on our creative thinker and talented content writer Fatima Nasar. She is also a talented sketch artist and has a keen interest in the field of art and interior design. Perpetual enthusiastic and imaginative talents are those who shift the direction to the helpless force of the word. The appearance demonstrates the effectiveness and complexity of a mind of professional credibility. Great ideas it has been said come to world as doves and by those who have the focus and calmness to hear the mild flutter of those wings amid the uproars of empires and nations; those who have the wisdom to understand the gentle stirring or life and hope and the courage to present it to the face of world with their words and art.

Professional Skills

Content Writing
55 %
Creative Thinking
75 %
Painting and Sketching
80 %